Adjustments you can make
Provide written material and slides in advance
Visual strategies and multi-sensory learning can be useful for some students
Use clear and unambiguous language. Avoid figurative language such as metaphor or irony
Make links between topics and themes explicit
Give very clear instructions for any activity with short and direct commands
Make clear the purpose of a task
Identify which skills will be needed for an activity
Make clear what volume of work is expected and by when
Tell the student when something is good enough
Use the student’s name if you are addressing them specifically
Give the student time to respond to a question (10 seconds can feel like a long time to you), maybe saying you will come back to them for their response
Switch off the projector/air conditioning when these are not necessary
If group work is required some planning or help may be necessary in finding partners – if the student prefers to work alone and is still able to achieve learning outcomes this is a reasonable adjustment
Consider sensitive marking if requested